Ensure consistency in Kubernetes cluster’s resources
This application is meant to verify communication among Kubernetes pods. It consists in a Golang Command line interface powered by Cobra.
How to use
$ kubensure
kubensure is a CLI tool that allows kubernetes cluster admins to check their policies are respected in the cluster.
kubensure [command]
Available Commands:
connection Check connection from a pod to a service or to another pod or to an external endpoint.
help Help about any command
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kubensure.yaml)
-h, --help help for kubensure
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "kubensure [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ kubensure connection --help
Check connection from a pod to a service or to another pod or to an external endpoint.
kubensure connection [command]
Available Commands:
pod-to-ext Check connection from a pod to an external endpoint.
pod-to-pod Check connection from a pod to another pod.
pod-to-svc Check connection from a pod to a service.
-h, --help help for connection
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kubensure.yaml)
Use "kubensure connection [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ kubensure connection pod-to-ext --help
Check connection from a pod to an external endpoint.
Usage examples:
# Ensure pod 'example' of namespace 'test' can connect to https://kubernetes.io
kubensure connection pod-to-ext example -n test https://kubernetes.io
# Ensure pod 'example' of namespace 'test' can connect to
kubensure connection pod-to-ext example -n test --ext-port 90
kubensure connection pod-to-ext [flags]
-p, --ext-port int External endpoint port (default 443)
-h, --help help for pod-to-ext
-n, --pod-ns string Pod namespace (default "default")
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kubensure.yaml)
$ kubensure connection pod-to-pod --help
Check connection from a pod to another pod.
Usage examples:
# Ensure pod 'example' of namespace 'test' can connect to pod 'target' in namespace 'pod-test'
kubensure connection pod-to-pod example -n test target -t pod-test
# Ensure pod 'example' of namespace 'test' can connect to pod 'target' in namespace 'pod-test' on port 8000
kubensure connection pod-to-pod example -n test target -t pod-test -p 8000
kubensure connection pod-to-pod [flags]
-h, --help help for pod-to-pod
-n, --pod-ns string Pod namespace (default "default")
-t, --target-ns string Target Pod namespace (default "default")
-p, --target-port int Target Pod port
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kubensure.yaml)
$ kubensure connection pod-to-svc --help
Check connection from a pod to a service.
Usage examples:
# Ensure pod 'example' of namespace 'test' can connect to service 'svc-example' in namespace 'svc-test'
kubensure connection pod-to-svc example -n test svc-example -s svc-test
kubensure connection pod-to-svc [flags]
-h, --help help for pod-to-svc
-n, --pod-ns string Pod namespace (default "default")
-t, --svc-ns string Target Service namespace (default "default")
-p, --svc-port int Target Service port
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.kubensure.yaml)
How to install
Download the executable from the release section and place it under your PATH.